What Akhia’s Ben Brugler has Ben Thinking about

'Ben Thinking' for the week of 12.11

Written by Ben Brugler | Dec 14, 2023 3:30:03 PM

Welcome to the final ‘ben thinking’ of the year. My holiday gift to you? I won’t talk about how fast this year has gone. So no, you won’t find lines like “It seems like just yesterday ChatGPT was still 3.5…” here.
It’s been one of the most disruptive, educational, transformative years I can remember. And yes, I know that’s saying something given what’s transpired since right around this time in 2019.
I’m looking forward to 2024 for a lot of reasons. Maybe the biggest, tho, is that we’re going to get to continue experiencing these new frontiers together. The conversations and connections that come from publishing this newsletter are so meaningful. I look forward to continuing to talk about what’s ahead in our business, and what it means to us.
On to what I’ve ‘ben thinking’ about:
6 ways social media impacts consumer behavior.
As someone who was there for the ‘start’ of social media…it has evolved quite a bit. Almost a 180 from where it was in the early days (re.: brand involvement).
96.55% of content receives no traffic from Google.
You know I rarely push Akhia on this platform. But if you haven’t taken a peak behind your SEO strategy or assume someone else has this handled, we should talk. Just…talk. Because that number is huge.
Zero-click content: What is it? Why should you care?
Our attention spans are shrinking. Time to integrate this into your content strategy.
Why your CFO needs to focus on security.
As this article points out, the number of threats to your supply chain is higher than ever. The CFO needs to become a key influence in the security conversation.
Gen Z > Boomers
Gen Z is going to overtake Boomers in the workforce, next year. They will soon overtake Gen X…but it’s going to be a minute before they surpass Millennials. Think this doesn’t matter? Think again.
Where’s the AI stuff?!?
Just a reminder…I lauched an AI round-up back in August. First as an experiment, now as a quicly growing inbox staple for many. Let me know if you want it delivered. Or maybe you prefer to just read it on your own. (Be warned though…read the most recent edition because old issues are likely out-of-date.)
In akhia Akhia news…
If you missed it, we launched our new brand look and position last week. If you know us, you likely aren’t too surprised – in fact, you may be thinking ‘yep; that’s why we partner with you!’. But if we haven’t worked together in a while…or have never partnered with us, I would encourage you to take a minute and get to know us. Many agencies say you, are their purpose. 
We made it who we are.
AKHIA: From the insight out
Next year all our troubles will be out of sight…
Before you go…don’t forget to be a little selfish this holiday season. You can’t be your best for those loved ones if you aren’t carving out a little time to reflect, rejoice and renew.
See ya next year,