Ben Thinking
Welcome to the final ‘ben thinking’ of the year. My holiday gift to you? I won’t talk about how fast this year has gone. So no, you won’t find lines like “It seems like just yesterday ChatGPT was ...
So many ways to open. We could debate when you think it's ok to start playing holiday classics (Dean Martin is playing in my office at the moment). We could celebrate National Pickle Day (apparently ...
Happy National iPod day! On this date (10.23), in 2001, the iPod debuted for the low low price of $400. Do you remember the first song you listened to on your iPod? I do. It was Kenny Roger's The ...
Hi everyone- Hope you are enjoying the start of the last quarter of the (calendar) year. How could you not? It’s once again an all-out pumpkin spice invasion. It’s everywhere. And you love it. (Yeah. ...
Hi everyone! This is a round-up of some of the stories you may have missed over the past two weeks that affect the marketing and communications industry and the clients and companies we serve. Enjoy ...
Every day there is something new to address in the digital landscape.
“If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised than I am right now.” - Clark Griswold, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
On the heels of writing about the things they don’t teach you in school, I thought I’d write about a very valuable component of networking.
Ever have one of those moments where you say to yourself, “I don’t remember them teaching us that in school…”
In January I posted on LinkedIn five things you’re going to hear a lot about this year. I was going to say ‘get sick of’ this year…but you know how LinkedIn can be. Its sense of humor comes and goes.